Link to Sketchup design of greenhouse concept, courtesy of John-Karl, a Google SketchUp user who posted this design for friendly folks like us to use. (The sketch to the left looks a lot like the structure we'll build, but this one is from ATTRA's handy Solar Greenhouse Resources Page.) We're planning to build this thing on the western edge of the South Campus garden, modified to work well on a hill by relying on cement-encased 4x4s (as per Roger Marshall's recommendations in "How to Build Your Own Greenhouse") instead of cinder blocks as foundation. The base of this structure will end up looking like a deck on a house, with as much open space beneath the floor as the slope of the hill demands. We will likely use a big ol' cistern to store rainwater during the winter, which will then supplement municipal water for summer irrigation. The cistern will be stored in the greenhouse and will help maintain a constant temperature inside the structure (high heat capacity of water and all that). More on this project to come.
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