Sunday, June 6, 2010

As wet as only Kesey could describe...

Hello Readers,

I just wanted to give a quick update on the last week or so in the garden! First and foremost, it's been raining non-stop the entire time! We had a really nice day yesterday, but alas, it was only a taste of sunny weather. The rain was back today, in full force. Despite the rain, however, I've had quite a few encounters with wildlife. Song birds have been especially bold lately. I've seen them mating and building their nests - they have been stealing the straw I put on the potatoes with alarming boldness. It is possible to sit a foot away from them and watch them pick out choice strands. More importantly, the deer have finally found South Campus. Their first visit was fairly disastrous, but it could have been worse. I'll survey the damage today and put up some pictures. I've used some of my own hair to use from a recent haircut around the tropical bed, and have been treating the perimeter with a dilute egg/water mixture. So far, this tact seems to be working, although the egg mixture seems to wash away within a day. While we're on the topic of pest control, I should note that I've become a big fan of Sluggo Plus. Its a great organic solution recommended to me by Naomi of Naomi's Organic Farm Supply. Finally, the swiss chard and lettuce in bed near the tomatoes have really responded well to repeated fertilization. I'm hoping I can develop some sort of regiment based on their success.

Stay dry, Lucien

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