This was the first day I managed to put a few useful hours into the garden. Lucien and I added roughly six wheelbarrows full of compost into bed 7 on South Campus, stirred it in as thoroughly as we could stand, and mulched paths leading to the beds so future composting projects would be easier. Bed 7 will receive bell peppers and tomatoes.
Brief notes on the day:
- Worried about soil quality under the strawberries (no compost at all). Keep an eye on them.
- Serious predation on the Kentucky Wonder beans (west half of corn section). Scarlet emperor beans doing much better. Neem oil, or just switch out the Kentuckys? Some bleaching on individuals of the scarlet variety. Corn doing all right.
- Yellow beetle: creature of concern?
Looks like the squash are starting to germinate in the east half of bed 1. Facilities is planning to plow the remaining grass and favas into the entire North half of the garden, so we don't have to. Tasks for tomorrow (today, actually): Get hay, lime, neem oil, border rocks, and a little manure with Gabe at Naomi's. Amend bed 7 with lime and "complete organic fertilizer," then plant tomato and pepper starts. Side-sow "complete organic fertilizer" in Forest.
Check out some pictures taken today.
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