Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July Already?

It's been too long since my last post. Many things have happened, too many to list in one blog post! This post will be a 'portal' of sorts - I'll give a brief overview (and link) to each post. The posts are listed in chronological order of occurance.

Hail - and not so Hardy

- On June 15th, most of Portland was struck by a freak hailstorm. The resulting effect on the garden is detailed here.

South Campus Tilled

- The northern, weedy-filled half of South Campus was weeded by myself on the 21st, and then tilled several days later on the 26th. Pictures of the newly cleared land and new plans here.


- Cucumber and cilantro was planted in a newly prepared bed on South Campus on the 31st. The cucumbers have since sprouted. Also, beans and squash were (re)planted to compensate for early losses to the wet beginning of the summer. Pictures and details here.

Deer Attack, the Third

- The deer dealt a devastating blow to the strawberry patch. I'll likely have to replant and hope for the best. Pictures and details here.

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