Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hello Readers,

     As the summer passes by, the correct time to plant things is passing as well. With the cold, rainy June, my plans went slight awry. However, on the 27th, cucumbers and cilantro were planted. The cucumbers are doing great. Many of them have already grown to a couple inches tall. The cilantro is remaining for elusive, but I think I've started to see some sprouts. Also, I replanted a bunch of bean/squash seeds in the corn bed to replace those lost to slugs in early June. So far, the bean have also sprouted over the weekend. Judging from how long it took the squash to sprout the first time (2-3 weeks), it will likely be awhile until they come up. Today I'm going to plant some left-over summer/winter squash seeds in the last remaining 'lower' bed (bed 2). I'll give update as to what is going to be planted in the 'upper' have of the garden (beds 10, 11, and 12) later this week.

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